What is Alcoholism?

addiction to alcoholAccording to the American Medical Association, alcoholism is defined as a “chronic disease with genetic, psycho-social and environmental factors that influence its development and manifestations.” The point at which someone becomes an alcoholic is difficult to define, but if you have more than four or five drinks per day, feel ashamed or critical of how much you drink or begin drinking early in the day, you may be an alcoholic.

No one gene has been linked to alcoholism, however it is widely accepted that genetics play a large role in many cases of alcoholism. An individual is much more likely to become an alcoholic if alcoholism exists within their family. Even in cases where a child was not raised by their birth parents, alcoholism is frequently observed within a biological family despite physical separation.

Other attributes of alcoholism include tolerance to the substance or drinking in order to feel normal, physical dependence on alcohol and withdrawal symptoms when its use is discontinued, allotting an extensive amount of time to the drinking habit even if it interferes with real life obligations, the continuation of the habit even if the individual has knowledge of personal harm that it inflicts, detrimental effects on the alcoholic’s work or school performance, personal life and relationships, and the general inability to stop or limit drinking once alcohol is consumed.

If alcoholism goes untreated, it can create a wide range of health problems, and in severe cases, even death. Some of the health complications that result from ongoing alcoholism are depression and anxiety, poor mental function and memory loss, sleep difficulties, raised blood pressure, low blood sugar, a weakened immune system, skeletal system, equilibrium and heart, blod clots, anemia, gastrointestianl problems, a higher risk of cancer, low fertility, malnutrition, liver disease and pancreatic problems.

Alcoholism can cause strife in an individual’s personal life as well, creating problems in familial or romantic relationships, workplace or school environments, legality issues and personal obligations. If you or someone you know is suffering from alcohol addiction in the United States, you should be aware of the high quality addiction resources through out the country, such as the luxury treatment centers of California, the substance abuse clincis of New York and the best alcohol rehab Florida. Do not hesitate to reach out to a quality alcohol addiction treatment facility to receive the support and guidance you need to achieve recovery.

Alcohol Abuse vs. Alcoholism